Tuesday, July 12, 2011

OK, So Dogs Are a Part of This Blog Too . . .

I know I said there would no doubt be cats, but there will be also dogs (and quite possibly other animals) featured on my blog from time to time. I am lucky and honored to be chosen to create the T-shirt artwork each year for the Stratford Fall Festival to Benefit Animals held annually in October (details here: http://starsfest.com/).

Here's a little glimpse into that process:
 Each year, the winner of the photo contest is chosen to be represented on the festival T-shirt the following year. Here's the 2010 photo contest winner, Trixie. I usually do a quick pencil sketch first, then do the full-blown ink drawing.

Here are the past year's winners as represented on the T-shirts:
It's really a great event benefiting our local animal shelter and local rescue group S.T.A.R.S. and all the good work they do. In addition to the T-shirt art, at the festival I will once again be offering portrait sketches of the attendee's pets and my husband Bill will be drawing awesome caricatures (his specialty: www.partycartoons.com) of both people and/or pets! If you love animals and are in the area, save the date. The festival is growing in leaps and bounds each year; plus we have Batso in attendance again! Say no more . . .


  1. Lisa
    That's great !
    Your drawing reminds me of Chelsea [ Candace's dog ]
    It looks good !

  2. Thanks, Sandy! That is so funny you should mention Chelsea - I was thinking the exact same thing when I drew her!

  3. Beautiful work, always inspiring to see your work! Wished we lived closer, Hashbrown would love to attend the event - it sounds like fun!
